Elastic Trail Script IE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
This script renders 5 bullet-size images that follow your mouse cursor around in an elastic, 'loose' manner. Definitely an interesting effect for your site.

Elastic band ScriptIE5+ legacy
-User Submitted
Attach an 'elastic band' to your mouse! You can fling it around, and watch it bounce back. Script created using a combination of DHTML and VML (vectored graphics).

Magic Wand cursorIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
Kurt's superb creation renders minute glowing particles that revolve your cursor in a 3D, circular trajectory, like in a magic wand. Very, very cool!

Magic Wand cursor IIIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
This is a milder, less flamboyant version of the above script. Similar rotational effect, just at a slower pace.

Dancing Stars CursorIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
This cursor script produces dancing stars that animate and swirl around your mouse. The script uses NO images, so the effect is extremely lightweight and easy to customize.

Cursor Trail TextIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
This great script creates a dynamic message that follows your mouse around!

Cursor Trail Text IIIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
This is a variation of the popular cursor trail script above that renders multiple copies of the same text, all following the mouse is a delayed fashion. The effect can be set to dismiss after x seconds.

Document CrossHairIE5+ legacy
Add a fun, cross-browser, crosshair to your document!

Roaming CursorIE5+ Opr7+ legacy
-User Submitted
Display a second, 'roaming' cursor on your page with this fun animation script. An image resembling the mouse cursor wonders around the screen, rendering an amusing spectacle.

Wordpress Users: Step by Step instructions to add ANY Dynamic Drive script to an entire Wordpress theme or individual Post


Simple little plugin that adds a trailing cursor effect to your mouse pointer. Add a fun touch to your site or just during festive seasons!
With this plugin, you can choose:
If you have any issues or suggestions, please visit our support forums.
If you find this plugin useful and would like to say thanks, please leave us a 5 star review!
In the plugin folder, there’s a valentines icon too, change pointer.png in the cursor image option to valentines.png and then feel the love!


  1. Install and activate your plugin as you would any WordPress plugin.
  2. Customize at Settings > Cursor Trailer
  3. Visit your site and enjoy the effects!

Contributors & Developers

“Cursor Trail” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.